

Book Title
English Aesop Tales 1 3 5'48 Aesop Tales 1 ????1-- 5 Aesop's Tales, 5 pieces of wisdom. ?????????
English Alberta Sparrow 2 3'40 Alberta Sparrow ??????-- It seems impossible to learn to fly as Alberta is afraid of height, but with Dad's encouragement, she jumps into the air. ????????????????????????
English All About Little Red Hen 3 8'21 All About Little Red Hen ????--A timeless tale of how a little red hen outfoxes a cunning old fox who wants to have her for dinner. ??????????????????????????????????
English Babies Learn How 1 1'36 Babies Learn How ???????-- Young birds, animals and a snake are twined together into a simple, illustrated poem setting out the way they begin to crawl, walk and sing. ???????????????
English Baby Sitter 1 0'55 Baby Sitter ????--The kids like it when the baby sitter comes. They get to have pizza and pop corn. ???????????????????????
English Billy Bob Buzzard 1 1'39 Billy Bob Buzzard ??????--Billy is always singing and swing, but will others complain? ?????????????????????
English Black And Red Ants 1 0'55 Black Ant And Red Ant ???????--Now there's a mission for a little book about two ants; but if after reading it your children go round shouting... Mm, intriguing ????????????????????..
English Blue Lined Socks 3 8'23 Blue Lined Socks ??????--Ah...! Everybody loves a mad professor; but if some strange blue liquid splashes onto your socks you may just find the excitement a little hard to handle ?????????????????????????????????????????
English Bobo The Baby Elephant Grows Up 1 4'00 Bobo The Baby Elephant Grows Up ???????--Bobo is a baby elephant who doesn't want to grow up. But when he discovers how brave he can be, he's proud to make the leap from baby to child. ??????????????????????????????????
English Book Of These And Those Volume 1 1 1'00 Book Of These And Those Volume 1 ?????1 --A concept book that identifies plural nouns. ?????????